Terms of Service
Terms of Service

These Terms & Conditions ( "Agreement" ) are a contract between you and Yougobi. These Terms govern your use of our website at Yougobi.com or any of our mobile application(s) that is hyperlinked to this agreement.

By accessing or using the services in any manner, including, but not limited to, visiting or browsing the Site, downloading the mobile application(s), registering an account, or contributing content or other materials to the site or via the App(s), you expressly understand, acknowledge and agree that you have read and understood the Terms and agree to be bound by such terms found on this Site.

In addition, you may read our Privacy & Cookie Policy at any time for more information about how Yougobi collects, stores, and protects your information when you use our services.

If you have any questions regarding these Terms & Conditions or our Privacy & Cookie Policy, you may contact us anytime at service@yougobi.com or use our Customer Service in the "Contact Us" section below.

Representations: When you use our services, you agree to the processing of the information and the data you stated that all information and data you provided are true and correspond to reality. You represent and warrant that you are at least 16 years old or visiting the services under the supervision of a parent or guardian. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Yougobi hereby grants you a limited, revocable, non-transferable and non-exclusive access and use the services by displaying it on your internet browser, or on your mobile devices, through our App(s), only for educational purposes.


As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material(s) located on or linked to our Site violates your copyright, you are encouraged to submit a copyright takedown request notice to us. To do so, please send an email to us at service@yougobi.com.

Yougobi.com is a platform that brings people together to discuss and explore the world of Social Community development. We provide this space for meaningful discussion that is relevant and beneficial to all users - with that in mind we invite users to participate in these community forums in a way that is relevant and beneficial to others.

The following rules help everyone at Yougobi.com have a safe and productive experience.

Be Nice and Respectful

Engage with Others in a constructive way. Assume that everyone at Yougobi is here to make the platform a great resource - the users come with diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and opinions. It is Ok to disagree, but please be civil, respectful, and considerate to other members, this also includes all members of the Yougobi Group.

Abusive behavior directed towards private individuals and organizations is not allowed. That also includes Yougobi employees and the platform in general. Repeated and unwanted contact constitutes a form of harassment. 

This platform is a space where announcements can be made, guidance given and questions raised. If your questions are not being answered quickly enough, you will need to consider direct mailing.

Discussion around the use of Yougobi platform is welcomed, but if you are dissatisfied with the service or outcome, please avoid denigrating the Yougobi team in your remarks, we are all looking for constructive outcomes, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. However, you should lay your complain(s) through mailing.

Be positive and purposeful in your communications.

People are using this platform to ask and answer questions about our social well-being. If you have a meaningful question requiring an answer, please ask! If you feel like you can answer a particular question in a way that has value, please answer! But in your questions and answers please avoid the use of sarcasm or misleading information, bear in mind that many people using this platform have English, French, Spanish etc as a 2nd language - so sarcasm could be misconstrued and misleading information can cause significant harm to others.

Endorsed Usage

Users are encouraged to focus on building niche communities aiming at beneficial causes. and uniting people around interests.

goals or activity that is inspiring, positive and helpful invariably leads to overall project success.

Philanthropic, humanitarian, charitable networks.

Educational and inspirational content generation and sharing. 

NGOs and other groups contributing towards common welfare.

Open-source and software initiatives.

Make friends with people if they accept your request.

Feel free to follow someone or groups that inspires you.

Prohibited Usage

Spam and Unsolicited Bulk Email: Yougobi Group has a zero tolerance on spam. 

Activities viewed as illegal or harmful: Fraudulent or otherwise illegal activities, including engaging in phishing or otherwise obtaining financial or other personal information in a misleading manner or for fraudulent or misleading purposes.

Promoting and supporting abusive, violent, harassing, malicious or harmful content.

Any activity or content that is harmful to minors in any way. 

Communities promoting hateful or discriminatory activity based on race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic or national origin, marital status, disability, or age. 

Potentially illegal group activity: Networks promoting illegal or harmful gatherings; denial-of-service attacks; service disruption activities; radical political or religious actions. 

User Generated Content: When you transmit, post, upload, share, or otherwise contribute any content to our Site or App(s), including but not limited to your submissions, such contributed content shall be considered as user-generated content to extent that such content is visible to or accessible to any other Site or App(s) visitors or users. By accepting these Terms, you agree not to contribute any user generated content that could reasonably be considered to entail, contain, provide or promote any of the following:

Sexually explicit or pornographic content.

Content that infringes intellectual property rights

Terrorism or other criminal activities

Content that you are not authorized to, or don’t have a legal right to, share, post, or otherwise display

No Hate Speech

No Harassment and Bullying

Yougobi MarketPlace

If you choose to use the Yougobi Marketplace ( "Market" ) the following terms and conditions apply in addition to the general Terms.

Yougobi Marketplace is a service provided by Yougobi.com that allows sellers ( "Vendors" ) to post products and advertise services for sale to other users ( "Customers" ).

Any disputes regarding arrangements between the Customers and Vendors of any type of products and services remain solely between Buyers and Sellers. We are not involved in any transactions between you and any other users of the Yougobi Marketplace. You acknowledge and agree that Yougobi.com will not be a party to any such dispute or be obligated to take any action or refrain from taking any action toward resolving any such dispute. If you have a dispute with any other users of the Site, you hereby release Yougobi.com from any and all claims, demands, and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, related to such a dispute.

You may terminate your Market listings at any time in your sole discretion. Yougobi.com may remove your Market listings at any time for any reason or no reason. Removal of listings does not release Vendors or Customers from any contractual responsibilities connected to their use of Yougobi Marketplace.

Posting any products or service advertisements to market constitutes a "Vendor" status. Vendors must read and agree to Market Terms (https://yougobi.com/marketterms) before submitting any materials to Yougobi Marketplace.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Our Services are provided “as is.” Yougobi.com and its suppliers and licensors hereby disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Neither Yougobi nor its suppliers and licensors, 

makes any warranty that our services will be error free or that access thereto will be continuous or uninterrupted. You understand that you download from, or otherwise obtain content or services through, our services at your own discretion and risk.


loss of data.

loss of business or management time.

loss of income or sales.